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Contact: + 022-586-2686



Hi my name is Marta, I live in Tauranga, New Zealand, with our two lovely little girls and my physio husband . I am both grateful and excited to be one of the first ones offering these beautiful Mother Warming services in New Zealand. I was born in Hungary, where I qualified as a midwife in 2006, and then I moved to this beautiful country a year later.  Since arriving I have been on a beautiful journey constantly developing my knowledge and skills around pregnancy and birthing. Beginning as a massage therapist and bodyworker in 2000 I have explored many different modalities, and I am passionate about integrating the best of these into my therapy work.  


My pregnancy specific skills include Pregnancy Shiatsu, Baby Massage Instruction, Hypnobirthing, Midwifery Acupuncture, and more recently I have added Post-partum Doula services.


Giving birth and the period there after should be an empowering event where a woman feels loved, nurtured and supported throughout this right of passage.  I am passionate about being there for women during their sacred transition into motherhood. My aim is to support your personal choices so you can feel confident,  and be the capable mother that you are.


I believe all the knowledge is already lying within every mother. I would love to be there to RISE (Revive, Indulge, Support, Empower) you through these beautiful and sacred times with these soul and body nourishing Mother Roasting services.


With Love: Marta

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